viernes, 28 de octubre de 2016



As it was announced in the Conclussions of the National Conference of Syndicates for the Reestructuring of the CNT/AIT, held on 25th and 26th Juny, the Reestructuring Congress will be divided in two parts: one for the reestructuring of the Confederation and the other one (still not concreted) will deal with its organizational aspects, what will be done with sufficient time and work.

As the date of the first part of the Congress is imminent, (Benissa-November 2016), we call upon the attendees to confirm their attendance. The second part has not yet been defined, so we do not have a precise date or place.

The following specifications are based on the conclussions from the Reestructuring Conference above mentioned, and the proposals and agreements processed by the members adhered to that Conference.


We recall the foundation of this part of the Congress: to bring together in one Confederation the expelled syndicates, some of them disjointed amongst themselves, and the syndicates critical with the reformist line, inviting all of them to position themselves, to reach resolutions against the reformist line, which understands the reform as an end, and finally to get the definitive rupture with this line and the confederation of all the anarchosyndicalists. It would deal with the process of parallel re-foundation of the AIT, and would help to recognize the Confederation coming from the Reestructuring Congress as the Spanish section from the AIT.

Provisionally, we call this Congress “a reestructuring Congress”, considering that it is not a refoundation what the Congress intends to get, as nothing new will be created, but it will be claimed what legitimately belongs to the anarchosyndicalists.

We don’t split either, because we understand that the “excised” and “parallel” ones are those who occupy the committees today. They have tried to destroy the organization through the creation of divisions which on the basis of the respect for the Principles, Tactics, Ends, and the Statutes, should not have taken place.

The reestructuring must to be understood in the sense of a redefinition and ratification of the members of the Confederation in consistency with their principles, and secondly as a reframing or ratification of the normative structures coming from the debate on what can be improved in CNT.


-Reestructuring, both in form and content, of the National Confederation of Labour, adhered to the AIT, and determination of the aim, dimension and trascendence of the Congress.

-To fight the reformist and corrupt drift of the CNT actively.

-Confirmation, if the case may be, of the syndicates who will participate in the second part of the Congress, on the basis of the ratification of the PTF and the rupture with the agreements from the XIth Congress, along to the Confederal Committee coming from it, as well as the flawed practices resulting from those agreements.

-To make an approach of the second part of the Congress, with the discussion and determination of it.


The methodology of the Congress, as agreed in the Conference, will conform to the Organic Regulations of the CNT:

“The Congress of the CNT will be constituted by the syndicates delegations. It is the maximum decision-making body. In the Congress it is marked the ideological line of the CNT, designing the general aims of the organization for the different areas of work. The agreements of the Congress are binding and they can only be modified in another congress, with the exception of those agreements in which the Congress have foreseen that they could be modified in a Confederal Plenary.”


All the sincere anarchosyndicalist syndicates are invited to the first part of the Congress. The organizations, groups and individuals aligned to the foundations of the Congress are invited too.

The following types of groups, organizations or individuals will be accredited:

– Delegates from the syndicates who have manifested their intention of participating and who have publicly detached themselves from the agreements of the “yellow CNT”.

– It will be possible to accredite members of the Secretariat of the AIT and the secretaries of the sections standing against the parallel refoundation of the AIT.

– Accreditations may be issued to individuals or groups with the approval of the types of attendant above mentioned. Critical syndicates still adhered to the “yellow CNT” are included, as well as Commitees or anarchist coordinating organizations, duly supported.

– The Congress will be able to issue and accredite those who are not accredited.

Entering the Congress each attendant will be accredited on the basis of the above.

It is important to send confirmation email, specifing number of delegates, as well as any particular condition or preference regarding the food or the accommodation, to the following email address:(


It will keep to the following points: Ratification of the Principles, Tactics and Ends of the CNT, ratification of the CNT to the AIT and the consequent reestructuring of the CNT-AIT to a second part of the Congress, about the regulations and structures of the organization.

The agenda structured in points, as the schedules of the Congress, will be sent to the attendants after they contact by email to confirm attendance to


The first part of the Congress will take place in Benissa (Alicante), the days 4,5,6th of November 2016.


The confirmation involves the reservation for accomodation and board. The lodging is free, in accordance with the conditions proposed by the SOV of Marina Alta, syndicate organizer of the Congress in Benissa. More details will be concreted in stablishing contact to confirm reservation.
To confirm attendance and send credentials: